1. Momma to an amazing little girl 👧 -photo cred to her 📸
2. Married my best friend (that I met in elementary school) 🏫
3. HUGE Reader- it’s what got me into narrating. My first loves are fantasy and historical fiction, but I am pretty open to all genres both fiction and non. I get through 1-3 books a week (I live with at least one ear pod in my ear.) 📚
4. I have my masters in Composition and Rhetoric (writing) and also proof/edit/beta and NARRATE for several of my authors. 🎙
5. I’m originally from Southern California, but lived in Washington (Vancouver and Seattle) the last five years, and currently live in the Bay Area for work ⛱
Please feel free to reach out! I love to chat/message/text with my authors as this is a very personal experience and I want to connect!